About the Jensons

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We have a heart for seeing people grow closer with God, for helping those that other people see as not being worthy of it and for showing people how they can rise out of poverty.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Budgeting and Bed Bugs

Hi All!  Sorry for the delay in posting.  It’s been a busy few weeks with a LOT of stuff going on.  We have been doing a lot of moving, working, training and hanging out with each other after being apart for so long.

Bed bug ridden feet
Since I arrived at the beginning of August, Jake and I have moved around the base 4 times.  We are finally settled in the room we will be in until we leave for outreach in a little over a month.  About a week into me being here, I woke up in the middle of the night with an incessant itch on my hand.  I got up and put some cortisone cream on my hand and went back to bed not thinking much of it.  The next morning I inspected more thoroughly and noticed many small bites on my hand.  Then I remembered that Karen let me know they had bed bug issues in the room we were staying in.  They had fumigated once and had changed mattress and thought that would have taken care of things.  However, those creepy little bugs had taken up residence in the wooden bed from and wood baseboards in the room.   Throughout the day more and more bites started to surface on me (Jake got bitten a little, but not nearly as bad as me).  I had bites all over my body, including my neck and even my eye lids. 

As soon as we discovered the bites and how bad they were (Jake and I counted 75 just on my hands.  I had 10 bites on one thumb!!), we were moved into one of the rooms they put their really important guests.  It was like getting a night in a hotel!  The next day we took all of our clothes (except the clothes we were wearing) to the only laundromat in town that uses hot water since they don’t have hot water running to the washers on base.  We bagged up all shoes, suitcases, etc. into black garbage bags and took them to our friends’ house to sit in the sun for a few days to “cook” the stuff inside.  We each spent the next 4 days in 1 pair of clothes and I spent the next week on Benadryl 24 hours a day because it was the best thing to help me not itch. 

After one night in the “hotel” we were moved into another room, then again into another room after that.  Now we are settled and have a great little set up.    

Last week we hosted all Costa Rica YWAM staff at this base for staff training.  We had worship together every day, heard presentations from seasoned YWAMers and had workshops on a variety of topics.  A few days before the training I was asked to do a workshop on budgeting for people.  I obliged and put together a training to help missionaries create a budget, how to stick to it and how to use it for helping to raise support.  It was actually fun even though teaching is not my forte.   

The most exciting thing that happened last week was that God started revealing to Jake and I His vision for ministry and what He wants us to do.  We aren’t yet released to share what that is with the general public, but as soon as we are we will share it. What I can say is that it’s HUGE (for that I am thankful because knowing that it is so much bigger than we are makes it so much easier to remember that God has to own this…not us) and that God has been generous enough to let us know that it’s an Abraham vision, meaning that we will not get to see “the promised land”, but we can trust that the things that God uses us in will be completed by Him in His time.  

For now, we are praying and letting God speak to us about the ways that He wants to move in this.  We are also making sure we lay down that vision every day because we want to make sure that we never take it up as our own.   Please be praying for us.  We want to be hearing God clearly about His timing until He releases us to begin and we want to be able to hear what the next step is.

We love and miss you all,
Jake and Michelle

P.S. I love the sound of the rain here.  It rains almost every afternoon and when it rains, it pours.  The great thing is that we have tin roofs.  It is the most beautiful sound, even though sometimes it is so loud you can't hear people talk.  But it is beautiful because it sings of God's power.  It sings of His sovereignty.  And it sings of His greatness.  I can't think of a more beautiful sound!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Reunited...come on, you know you want to sing...

I (Michelle) finally made it down to Costa Rica! It has been so nice getting to be together again.  Seeing each other at the airport was a little weird for the both of us.  We both felt like we should have been SUPER excited but when we saw each other, it was more like...who are you?  Well, not really the who are you part, but it did feel weird since at that point we had been away from each other for 2/3 of our married life.  It took all of about an hour to fall right back into step with each other and has been blissful since.  

My first day here was laughable and I'm slightly embarrased to tell people 2 of the things we did that day.  First, I hadn't eaten on the plane and Jake skipped lunch since he figured I would have not eaten.  So our first stop after the airport was food.  And where did we go?  McDonald's.  Mostly because it was quick, easy, cheap and on the way to the base.  Still though, only Americans would make their first stop in a foriegn country be McDonald's, am I right?  Then Jake and I organized our room, put our clothes away, and started to get settled in.  We made a list of things we wanted to get for the room to make it more liveable.  It just so happened that, that night people were making a trip to another American destination...Walmart.  I had no idea they HAD a Walmart in Costa Rica.  It's one of my least favorite places to walk into, but when you need stuff and you don't know what else is around you do what you have to.  So yes, in my first 7 hours of arriving in Costa Rica I ate at McDonald's and shopped at Walmart, 2 things I MIGHT do every 7 months (if that) in the States.

The day after I arrived the DTS was having a "giving party".  The students were asked to pray about what they felt God wanted them to give up and who they should give it to.  They explained the significance  behind what they were giving and why they felt like they should give it to a specific person.  It happens to be one of my favorite things to do and one of my favorite YWAM things.  I was fortunate enough to be able to join the party and it was absolutely wonderful.  People were sacrificing things that meant a lot to them and encourage other students with their generosity.  Jake and I received a picture frame from Adrian who had been carrying it around for 9 months while he was travelling.  It was very touching and humbling to receive something from someone who wears shoes that are falling apart because he can't afford other shoes.  It's amazing watching God work in peoples' hearts through giving parties.

This weekend, Jake and I were fortunate enough to spend the weekend at our friends' house since they are out of town.  It is nice to be able to have our own space to talk and to hang out like we haven't been able to do for the past 5 weeks.  It's really nice to have my best friend sitting next to me again.

Please keep in your prayers our finances and our computer.  Our computer crashed 5 days before I left and it has been a huge uphill battle ever since, with HP sending things to wrong addresses and giving different sets of instructions.  I have no idea yet if it is fixed and won't know for a few more days.  If it isn't, our updates will be fewer than we'd like, but we are limited by the technology we have.  We also won't be able to skype with our families as much, which will be tough.  But we know that God is in control and we can make it through any trials that come our way.  We are so blessed by your support and blessed to be with each other once again.  Everything else seems to take 2nd chair to that.   

Love and blessings to you all,
Michelle and Jake